Work History
Sports, Movies, Theater, Learning new skills,
Alexandros Xenos

Alexandros Xenos

Chief Operating Officer


Strategic and accomplished executive with an illustrious career spanning military leadership and corporate management. Leveraging extensive background as a naval officer for more than 30 years, currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer at ALTUS LSA, a cutting-edge unmanned systems manufacturing company. This pivotal role, is entrusted with defining and executing the strategic vision for the organization, ensuring alignment with industry trends and emerging technologies.
The role of Chief Operating Officer involves steering the company through a dynamic landscape, where innovation is paramount. While at the forefront of driving technological excellence in product development, overseeing the entire spectrum of operations, from production to supply chain management is a key element of the day to day tasks. This leadership role extends also to quality control measures, where the commitment to delivering products that exceed market expectations is essential and paramount.

One of the key responsibilities is the formulation and implementation of robust business strategies aimed at enhancing overall operational efficiency and driving sustained profitability. In this capacity, it is imperative to be able to navigate through complex challenges, leveraging a unique blend of military precision and business acumen to propel the company forward in a highly competitive market.
The epicenter of a successful leadership philosophy centers on fostering high-performing teams and cultivating a culture of innovation. Only by championing collaboration and encouraging cross-functional synergy, it can be ensured that the company remains agile, adaptable, and ready to seize new opportunities in the rapidly evolving unmanned systems industry.

As a seasoned professional with a history of successful leadership roles, both in the military and the corporate sector, a wealth of experience is brought to the current position. Passion about driving positive change, encourages and leads teams to new heights of success in the ever-evolving landscape of unmanned systems manufacturing.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Chief Operating Officer

2022.03 - Current
  • Ensured regulatory compliance by developing policies in line with industry best practices to mitigate risks associated with legal or ethical violations.
  • Founded performance- and merit-based evaluation system to assess staff performance.
  • Guided teams through periods of significant change by providing clear communication and decisive leadership during transitions.
  • Negotiated favorable vendor contracts for cost-effective procurement solutions that supported business growth objectives.
  • Spearheaded major organizational restructuring efforts, resulting in a more agile and responsive team structure.
  • Promoted positive corporate culture by implementing employee engagement programs that recognized achievement and fostered collaboration among teams.
  • Improved employee satisfaction and reduced turnover through development of effective training programs and performance management systems.
  • Mentored team members by sharing knowledge, offering guidance, and providing constructive feedback; fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization.
  • Oversaw day-to-day operations across multiple departments, ensuring timely delivery of projects and streamlined workflows.
  • Aligned organizational objectives with company mission to increase business growth and integrate work strategies.
  • Represented organization at external meetings and events to promote and build relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Oversaw day-to-day operations to keep organization running smoothly while meeting business goals.

Ass. Director in Ex.Office Deputy Chief of HNDGS

Deputy Chief Hellenic Nat.Defence Gen. Staff
2021.05 - 2022.03
  • Led the process of bringing the Deputy Chief of HNDGS up to date on various matters of the Hellenic armed forces that needed his approval.
  • Maintained high readiness level to substitute the Director in his daily meetings with the Deputy Chief.
  • Managed the communication of various senior officers with the Deputy Chief for increased efficiency.
  • Disseminated the workload between the staff of the office.
  • Maintained deep knowledge of various subjects to safeguard and assist the decision-making process of the Deputy Chief.

Dep. Head of Comms in EU Operation "Irene"

EU Commission
2020.10 - 2021.04
  • Identified issues, analyzed information and provided solutions to problems.
  • Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently.
  • Demonstrated a high level of initiative and creativity while tackling difficult tasks.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships.
  • Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
  • Completed paperwork, recognizing discrepancies and promptly addressing for resolution.
  • Managed time efficiently in order to complete all tasks within deadlines.

Chairman of Study Group

Hellenic Navy
2020.03 - 2020.09
  • Defined the operational requirements for a new Electronic Warfare system for the Hellenic Navy
  • Described in details the technical characteristics of the suggested EW platform.
  • Scrutinized the solutions presented by multiple major companies in order to identify the best off the shelve solution.
  • Finished a study that was left unfinished for more than 5 years.

Liaison Officer in SNMG 2

NATO Headquarters
2019.07 - 2020.02
  • Facilitated the disciplines of the Commander of Standing Naval Maritime Group 2 through the Aegean Sea at the time when Illegal migration was at an all time high.
  • Served as a key point of contact between the Commander of the SNMG2 and the Hellenic Armed Forces.
  • Delivered comprehensive reports summarizing project progress, challenges faced, and potential solutions in a timely manner .
  • Assisted voluntarily in other operational aspects of the SNMG2 activities based on my background experience.
  • Prepared and delivered presentations and reports on liaison activities for internal and external stakeholders.
  • Facilitated meetings and conferences between Commander of SNMG2 and Greek Military authorities, enabling better collaboration and efficient decision-making.

Head of Intelligence OPS Center HNDGS

Hellenic National Defence General Staff
2015.08 - 2018.10

  • Monitor the day to day activities of targets of interest.
  • Created detailed presentations on past, present and future activities of targets of interest.
  • Monitored various sources of intelligence in order to identify patterns of activity of opposed forces.
  • Contributed to the organizational transformation of the National Operations Center of the HNDGS.
  • Defined and Implemented an improved Battle Rhythm for all stakeholders operating within the premises of the OPS center.
  • Generated Secret presentations for the Chief of HNDGS facilitating his decision-making process

Commanding Officer

Hellenic Navy
2014.08 - 2015.08
  • Maintained high morale within the unit by recognizing exemplary work performance contributing towards a cohesive and dedicated team.
  • Mentored junior officers, providing guidance and support in their professional development and leadership growth.
  • Facilitated debriefs after completed missions allowing knowledge sharing between members improving future missions.
  • Led successful missions, demonstrating strong decision-making skills and strategic planning abilities under pressure.
  • Streamlined operational processes for increased efficiency and effectiveness within the unit especially under stressful conditions.
  • Managed budgets and resources responsibly to ensure optimal allocation of funds for mission success.
  • Evaluated unit performance regularly, identifying areas for improvement and implementing necessary changes.
  • Implemented vital safety protocols that reduced accidents while maintaining optimal readiness levels for mission success.
  • Enhanced team performance by implementing effective communication strategies and fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Adapted quickly to evolving situations, demonstrating flexibility in managing unforeseen challenges during critical missions.
  • Fostered an atmosphere of trust among subordinates through open communication channels and transparent decision-making processes.
  • Developed personnel through targeted training programs, resulting in improved skill sets and increased productivity.

Assistance Head of Intelligence

Hellenic Navy
2010.08 - 2014.07
  • Worked effectively in fast-paced environments.
  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Developed strong communication and organizational skills through working on group projects.
  • Monitor various intelligence sources to provide updates and presentations in order to facilitate decision-making process.
  • Applied effective time management techniques to meet tight deadlines.
  • Strengthened communication skills through regular interactions with others.
  • Worked flexible hours across night, weekend, and holiday shifts.
  • Drafted intelligence briefs and analysis for various subjects improving efficiency in identifying key intelligence gaps and provide the best possible update in the least amount of time.

Project Manager

Hellenic National Defence General Staff
2007.01 - 2010.07
  • Effectively managed the HELIOS IIB program (satellite image sensing).
  • Managed risk assessments and implemented mitigation strategies to minimize potential issues during project execution.
  • Established effective communication among team members for enhanced collaboration and successful project completion.
  • Coordinated cross-functional teams and resolved conflicts, maintaining a positive work environment throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Participated - in parallel - in the Technical Working Group of the Multinational Space Based Imaging System (MUSIS) as the Hellenic representative.
  • Participated in the launch of the HELIOS IIB satellite from French Guyana as the Hellenic Crypto Custodian and operational representative.

Director of Operations

Hellenic Navy
2003.01 - 2005.01

  • Led the operations of HS Limnos.
  • Oversaw daily operations and maintenance of all departments.
  • Key advisor to the commanding officer regarding operational planning and execution of operations.
  • Improved operational efficiency by streamlining processes and implementing continuous training curriculums.
  • Communicate the principles of the strategic plans of Hellenic Navy to all subordinate and cross-departmental teams through training sessions.
  • Cooperated with other Directors of Operations in creating new and improved processes in all types of warfare.

Principal Warfare Officer

Hellenic Navy
2000.09 - 2003.01

  • Mentored junior staff members, helping them develop their skills and advance in their careers.
  • Practiced all kinds of warfare activities upon HS LIMNOS and HS ADRIAS
  • Mentored junior staff members, helping them develop their skills and advance their careers.
  • Led the Communications Department of HS LIMNOS in parallel maintaining uninterrupted communications throughout every operation of the unit.
  • Assumed 6-hour shifts through the entirety of a mission in the Operations Center, serving as the first one to check external sources of intelligence while leading operations during my shifts, under the guidance of the Director of Operations.
  • Prepared communication plans as well as various exercise plans, assisting the director of operations.


Diploma - Safety Management System Requirements

JAA Training Organization , Amsterdam
2024.03 - 2024.03

Postgraduate Diploma - Military Ops Studies / International Relations

Supreme Joint War College, Thessaloniki, Greece
2018.11 - 2019.07

Diploma - Military Intelligence Analyst

Hellenic Joint Intelligence School , Athens
2013.10 - 2013.12

Diploma - Military Intelligence

Hellenic Joint Intelligence School , Athens
2011.01 - 2011.02

Postgraduate Degree - Naval Science And Operational Studies

Hellenic Naval Command And Staff College, Athens
2005.06 - 2005.12

Diploma - Communications Technology

International Signals Comms Officers, Portsmouth
2001.08 - 2001.11

Diploma - Electrinc Warfare

Electronic Warfare Officers, Norfolk, Virginia
2001.01 - 2001.02

Bachelor of Science - Marine Engineering

Hellenic Naval Academy, Pireaus
1991.09 - 1996.06

Hellenic Naval Academy provides the academic background needed to lead complex organizations both at sea and in an office.

The academic fields spun through mathematics, physics, chemistry, operational research, theoretical and applied engineering, naval engines, electronics, electrical circuits, computers and others.

The military training was rigorous both in ways of form and discipline.


Effective Communication



Microsoft Office (word, excel, ppt, access)


Sports, Movies, Theater, Learning new skills,

I play football in 5x5 soccer team and I enjoy functional training.

I enjoy watching a movie on a big screen rather than tv.

A good theatric play is always at the top of my list. 

Learning new skills unrelated to work, such as DIY projects (handyman projects) or Feng Shui or Reflexology.


JAA Training Organization - Diploma, Safety Management System Requirements
2024.03 - 2024.03
Chief Operating Officer - ALTUS LSA
2022.03 - Current
Ass. Director in Ex.Office Deputy Chief of HNDGS - Deputy Chief Hellenic Nat.Defence Gen. Staff
2021.05 - 2022.03
Dep. Head of Comms in EU Operation "Irene" - EU Commission
2020.10 - 2021.04
Chairman of Study Group - Hellenic Navy
2020.03 - 2020.09
Liaison Officer in SNMG 2 - NATO Headquarters
2019.07 - 2020.02
Supreme Joint War College - Postgraduate Diploma, Military Ops Studies / International Relations
2018.11 - 2019.07
Head of Intelligence OPS Center HNDGS - Hellenic National Defence General Staff
2015.08 - 2018.10
Commanding Officer - Hellenic Navy
2014.08 - 2015.08
Hellenic Joint Intelligence School - Diploma, Military Intelligence Analyst
2013.10 - 2013.12
Hellenic Joint Intelligence School - Diploma, Military Intelligence
2011.01 - 2011.02
Assistance Head of Intelligence - Hellenic Navy
2010.08 - 2014.07
Project Manager - Hellenic National Defence General Staff
2007.01 - 2010.07
Hellenic Naval Command And Staff College - Postgraduate Degree, Naval Science And Operational Studies
2005.06 - 2005.12
Director of Operations - Hellenic Navy
2003.01 - 2005.01
International Signals Comms Officers - Diploma , Communications Technology
2001.08 - 2001.11
Electronic Warfare Officers - Diploma , Electrinc Warfare
2001.01 - 2001.02
Principal Warfare Officer - Hellenic Navy
2000.09 - 2003.01
Hellenic Naval Academy - Bachelor of Science, Marine Engineering
1991.09 - 1996.06
Alexandros XenosChief Operating Officer