Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Student at University of Ioannina. Aspiring programmer with a strong foundation in Computer Science and a passion for technology, dedicated and motivated to excel in that field. Continuously learning and actively seeking out opportunities.
Java (Web Application Development using SpringBoot and Thymeleaf, Lucene, Data Structures and Algorithms)
Python (Machine Learning, Data Mining, Complex Data Management, Compiler for CutePy)
C (Systems Programming, CUDA, MPI)
Linux (Journal Development for older Debian Version, speed up of Google LevelDB using POSIX threads, based on https://githubcom/google/leveldb)
Unity (Game Development, award: MOKE University of Ioannina 2023, demo gameplay: https://vcodestargithubio/tni/demohtml)
Career Essentials in Cybersecurity by Microsoft and LinkedIn
Career Essentials in Cybersecurity by Microsoft and LinkedIn
Career Essentials in Generative AI by Microsoft and LinkedIn
SQL Advanced Certificate(HackerRank)
FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certificate
Foundational C# with Microsoft
FreeCodeCamp Legacy JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certificate